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What was going on in your career when you first started coaching?

I was very uncommitted in my career when I first started coaching. I thought that I might want to do something entirely different, but if I’m being honest, I was also considering opting out of my career entirely. I felt as though my field had passed me by, and was very nervous about what was going to come next.

What big step have you recently taken in your career journey?

First, I landed a great new job. In the process, I have learned the technologies that I use on a deeper level. I have raised my visibility in the field by presenting at conferences and contributing to thought leadership.

What risk are you glad you took?

Applying for a new job, and quitting my old job was a huge risk. My old job was not the right fit for me, and I had a really hard time seeing that I might thrive in a different environment. I had no sense of my value and really felt like I’d never find another place who wanted me. Even on the day of the interview, I almost backed out because I felt so sure I couldn’t be the right fit. Luckily, my friends at Parachute helped recognize the value of simply trying. It turns out trying is the only way to get something; by the end of the week I had an offer in hand and was focused on negotiating for myself. I remember telling Lauren, “I just have to keep pinching myself! I can’t believe this is happening.”  

What is one thing you do every day that keeps you focused?

The thing that keeps me focused is remembering how far I have come since I began with coaching and how much further I can still go.

What is a recent moment in your career that made you really proud?

I had the opportunity to present at a tech conference. It wasn't a TEDTalk by any means, but what really made me proud was my own ability to rise to the occasion and do something that I have been afraid of doing in the past.

What is a failure you’ve experienced in your career and what lesson did you learn from it?

I've had a few projects that I'm not proud of, and the big thing that I have taken away from them is that not all projects that I work on are going to go smoothly. I will have wins and losses, and all I can do is try my hardest for the wins; and focus on the lessons from the losses.

What was your biggest take-away from your coaching experience?

One of the key take-aways for me was learning that there is a voice in my head that tells me to give up, that maybe I'm not good enough, but it turns out, that voice is lying.

Eliza Coleman